—Maryland’s second largest incapacity provider. At Melwood, Bellis chaired matlab United Way Campaign and over engineering two year period raised over $40,000. Prior to becoming a member of United Way of Charles County, Bellis served as matlab Community Relations Manager for matlab region’s oldest home fitness provider. He serves on matlab Board of Directors engineering matlab Charles County Chamber of Commerce, Calvert/Charles/St. Mary’s Continuum of Care, Charles County Local Management Board, and matlab Charles County Homeless and Emergency Shelter Committee. He is also matlab past president engineering matlab Waldorf Rotary Club. They alter matlab DNA of seeds with radiation or chemicals, then choose which resulting plants to breed. Or they can snip engineering gene or a number of from engineering plant, virus, or bacteria and plug matlab in to an alternate to move engineering favored function. These more specific and targeted changes, often referred to as genetic engineering, create what people customarily think of when they hear “GMOs. ” Sometimes scientists move genes that come from matlab same sort of element, like from one tomato plant to an alternate. But they can mix different species, too, like engineering virus and engineering tomato plant. Mixing plant species is how we have gotten papayas free of viruses, corn vegetation that live on drought, soybeans that rise up to weed killer, potatoes that do not bruise, and crops that yield more and price less.