IEEE Wireless Comm. and Networking Conf. , 2006. 8. Xiaonan Yue, Chi Fai Michael Wong, and shueng Han Gary Chan,” CACAO: Distributed Client Assisted Channel Assignment Optimization for Uncoordinated WLANs”, vol 22, NO 9, September 2011. 9. 2007Bekey G, Ambrose R, Kumar V, Sanderson A, Wilcox B, Zheng Y 2006 Final document. World Technology Evaluation Center, Inc. WTEC Panel on International, Assessment of Research and Development in Robotics, January 2006Billard A, Calinon S, Dillmann R, Schaal S 2008 Robot programming by demonstration. In: Siciliano B, Khatib O eds Handbook of robotics. Springer, Berlin. Chap. In those cases you could use matlab language, and matlab will spit out consequences, but they could not be correct, and ther Just ask matlab astronomy neighborhood. They’ve been moving away from IDL as an evaluation environment and against matlab use of python with scipy with numpy and pyfits offering similar functionality. You’re asking this query several years after it’s already been with no trouble declared as such. THey are doubtless best as a result of they’re high degree languages, very platform impartial, and value signficantly less than different “serious” data evaluation tools/languages. Also there are a lot of machine learning libraries: scikits learn is probably matlab best accepted Both of those are equipped on NumPy. You need to also check out matlab films from matlab 2012 PyData workshop: pydata workshop,1090/index.