”Phil;This was in reaction to engineering request from engineering TV programme via matlab college press office which wanted to discover two climatologists from UEA with differing views to debate on air. It was my view that I doubted if we could find anybody of that opposing view amongst my colleagues. REPLY:Odd that during a corporation of your size, everyone concurs on matlab main facets of everything, is matlab not?Was your fact based on matlab assumption that as their boss no one could dare contradict you?Or was your certainty primarily based in matlab advantage that you just had gotten all your detractors fired already?After all, wouldn’t getting people with opposite critiques fired be engineering real good way to keep them from writing anything you didn’t want matlab chapter authors to deal with?Email 0896:“I believe matlab urban related warming might be smaller than this, but I can’t think of engineering long way to argue this. I am hopeful of finding something in matlab data that makes by their Figure 3. ”Phil;These were discussions among me and two Chinese scientists and they were resolved, as evidenced by matlab paper in Journal of Geophysical Research. It was about confusion over different areas of China.