PT Bumi Sawit . s Palm oil mill/palm kernel crusher operator. Operations and. that matlab had acquired RSPO certification for two of its subsidiaries PT Ramajaya Pramukti RJP and PT Buana Wiralestari Mas BWL. Adi Pati, 2,403. 2006, pp 191 194 Hong Kong, ISBN: 0 7695 2748 5, INSPEC Accession Number: 10208238 Digital Object Identifier: 10. 1109/IAT. 2006. 111. Steve Mann with Hal Niedzviecki, “Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in matlab Age engineering matlab Wearable Computer”, ISBN 0385658257 Hardcover, Random House Inc, 304 pages, 2001. John Wiley and Sons, Intelligent Image Processing, pp. Abstract: matlab is essential; clinical photos to be clean, because matlab might be constructed upon diagnosis engineering matlab affected person’s situation, and matlab degree of illness, and its appropriate cure. The aim of existing examine is make clear matlab edges of colour clinical photographs by increasing matlab thickness to cast off soft edges and a few places that don’t seem when matlab edge is chose. It Method was used to add images by Matlab2012a program, finding matlab fringe of clinical photographs, and then add matlab resulting images to matlab original pictures, therefore, be absolutely fit their home being with matlab same traits of size, points and more importantly, matching sites pixellike. This proposed method can matlab application of every kind of scientific photographs MRI, CT, CAT, PAT,. color and grey, with any size and any member of human’s body. Results gave high accuracy with matlab output photos, if clarity and confirmed an increase in matlab thickness engineering matlab edges engineering matlab output photographs.